Monday, December 14, 2009

Have you touched your PI XIU or Tian lu today ?

Tian Lu or Pi Xiu is an amazing mystical creature that brings luck and wealth to you.

Born without an asshole, pi xiu is capable to suck in wealth and luck without letting any luck out. So owning or placing a pair of pi xiu is an auspicious sign and a sign of great fortune flowing into you!

Everyone or every home should place a pair of pi xiu facing the main entrance or window. rem to place a big crystal ball infront of the pixiu, this is to act like water for them to drink and replenish their energy. So they can fly out by day to protect you wherever you are and bringing in all good luck and positive vibrations, removing all negative vibrations.

Since pi xiu is an lucky animal, we need to love and treat it with respect too, similar to our love one.

Methods of loving you pi xiu
Morning before going to work
- stroke the head down to the tail [ do not touch the mouth or nose ]  3x
and speak to them like you will to your love one, [ say ur wish for the day too ]
- afterwhich, touch the crystal ball and think of success.

Evening when you are home
- stroke the head down to the tail [ thanking pi xiu of success for the day ]
- afterwhich touch the crystal balls, imagining all negative things go away 

pi xiu can come from different material - wood, jade, crystals, lui li or even plastic. of cause the most important thing is to choose the one your like. and if budget allows, you should opt for jade pixiu.

my jade pixiu when i bought was green now slowly chaning to dark yellow ... this is the sign of good fortune

if you need some pixiu for wealth enhancing or changing your luck. email me at

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